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 Towards a new Health Model for Colombians

Ministerio de Salud y Protección Social > English > Towards a new Health Model for Colombians

​​​​​Towards a new Health Model for Colombians

What is it:
It is a Discussion Paper on Statutory Law supported by the National Government, which defines and guarantees the fundamental right to health for all Colombians

This Paper:
•    Contains essential elements and principles with the clear aim to guide the interpretation and scope of the basic right to health
•    Establishes that the Colombian State is responsible for the respect, protection and assurance of the full enjoyment of the fundamental right to health
•    Regulates the rights and duties necessary for the full exercise of the fundamental right to health
•    Declares the right of people to participate in decisions made by the agents in the health system that affect or interest them
•    Provides that health services should be provided in full, regardless of the origin of the disease or health condition
•    Recognizes the funding by the State of social health determinants (that is, the circumstances in which people are born, grow, live, work and age), with resources different from health resources. However, for cases which affect or put the health of a community at serious risk, Health System resources may be used.
•    Protects access to health services by prohibiting authorization for service
•    Ensures, through an implicit Health Plan for all persons, provision of services and technologies. This plan will be structured on a comprehensive interpretation of health, which includes promotion, prevention and treatment of illness and rehabilitation of its consequences. The Health Plan can never be interpreted as a restriction on the scope of the right.
•    Services or technologies that do not meet the scientific or necessity criteria will be explicitly excluded by the competent authority, after a technical-scientific procedure of a public, collective, participatory and transparent nature. In any case, it is important to assess and consider the opinion of independent high-level experts, professional associations of the relevant specialty and patients that would potentially be affected by the exclusion decision. Exclusion decisions may not result in the fragmentation of a previously covered health service, or be contrary to the principle of comprehensiveness.
•    Ensures an agile resolution of conflicts or inconsistencies, through medical boards of health care providers or medical boards of the network of health service providers
•    Respects medical autonomy while promoting self-regulation. Similarly, health professionals must contribute with their participation in the collective decisions of the Health System.

Ministry of Health and Social Protection

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