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 Social Health Promotion

​​​​​Social Health Promotion

The Social Health Promotion seeks to build a system of public actions aimed at promoting the social mobility of people and groups in precarious conditions of recognition of rights, extreme poverty and social exclusion.

It targets equal rights in health and democratization, expansion of opportunities, accomplishments and abilities and recognition of social and cultural diversity through public strategies, policies, plans, programs and projects aimed at individuals, families and communities in social exclusion processes.

Social protection
In accordance with the provisions of Law 789 of 2002, Social Protection means the set of public policies aimed to reduce vulnerability and improve the quality of life of Colombians, especially the most vulnerable, in order to at least have the right to health, pension and work.

Specifically, Social Protection is defined as a series of public interventions to a) help individuals, families and communities to better manage risk and b) support the poorest in critical condition. There are two components in this definition. The first seeks better risk management, which is the notion of insurance. The second pursues assistance to the poorest, and this concerns welfare intervention.

Complementary to this second aspect we can say that social assistance, although it is a right, “is essentially a transitory reparative measure to address the denial of rights suffered by a percentage of the population.”

In the context of social policy, public social promotion actions prioritize individuals and groups by ethnic diversity (communities from Palenque, from the Archipelago, indigenous, Afro-Colombian, black or Roma), gender diversity (femininity, masculinity, LGBTI), functional diversity or disability (physical, visual, hearing, cognitive, mental and multiple), age diversity or life cycle (early childhood, childhood, adolescence, youth, adulthood, old age) and people and groups victims of armed conflict.


Victims of armed conflict

Those persons who individually or collectively have suffered harm for events occurring from January 1, 1985, as a result of violations of international humanitarian law or of serious and manifest violations to international standards of human rights occurring at the time of the internal armed conflict.
The spouse, permanent partner, same-sex couples and relative in the first-degree of kinship, first degree of direct kinship by adoption of the victim, when the latter has been killed or is missing. In the absence of these, those who are in the second degree of kinship upward.

Likewise, people who have suffered harm while intervening to assist victims in distress or to prevent victimization.

Right to Health

Affiliation: All victims will be deemed eligible for health subsidy, except in cases of proven ability to pay. In case of not being affiliated, they will be immediately affiliated to the subsidized regime.

Emergency health care: hospital institutions, public or private, are required to provide immediate assistance to the victims who need it without requiring a prerequisite for admission.

Comprehensive health care: Victims are entitled to care in physical and mental health throughout the country and they will be exempt from any fees.

Psychosocial Care: All victims should receive psychosocial care individually or collectively to overcome the health and psychosocial effects related to the victimizing event.

Participation: It is the duty of the state to ensure effective participation of victims in the design, implementation, execution and monitoring of compliance with the law and plans, projects and programs. (Law 1448 of 2011, Art. 192)

Program for psychosocial care and Comprehensive Health for Victims, PAPSIVI

The Government, through the Ministry of Health and Social Protection, will create the Program for Psychosocial Care and Comprehensive Health for Victims, which will be implemented through the National Plan for the Comprehensive Care and Reparation for Victims, starting in areas with increased presence of victims.

The costs of care provided by the PAPSIVI will be recognized and paid from the resources of the Solidarity and Guarantee Fund of the General System of Social Security in Health (FOSYGA), unless covered by another health insurance agency

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