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 Ministry of Health, nominated as the best experience in public administration

Ministerio de Salud y Protección Social > English > Ministry of Health, nominated as the best experience in public administration
Press release  


- The National Strategy for Monitoring of Health Services for the appropriate response in childhood cancer is a candidate for the ​National Award for Senior Management and Success Stories Database of the Administrative Department of Public Service and ESAP.

Bogotá, December 2, 2013. The Ministry of Health and Social Protection has been nominated for the best experience in the management of public administration under the National Award for Senior Management and Success Stories Database of the Administrative Department of Public Service and the Higher School of Public Administration (ESAP).
The National Strategy for Monitoring of Health Services for the Appropriate Response in Childhood Cancer is one of the great challenges of the National Government to reduce cancer mortality in children under 18 years of age.
“This system of individual monitoring was developed together with the National Health Institute and the National Cancer Institute, to generate warnings to the Health Promotion Companies (EPS), Service Provider Institutions (IPS) and the Health Offices to ensure timeliness in the confirmation of the diagnosis or treatment provided,” said Martha Lucia Ospina Director of Epidemiology and Demography.
She explained that this system is based on the monitoring of milestones or key moments in the care package of the selected pathology, in this case childhood cancer. These moments are monitored by weekly telephone contact, patient by patient, aiming to detect five critical situations in the care package, defined according to the management guidelines developed jointly with the National Cancer Institute.
This is conducted together with Law 1388 of 2010 on Childhood Cancer, which aims for the right to life of children with cancer in Colombia.
The ceremony of acknowledgment of the best experiences in public administration will take place on December 9 at the Nariño Palace, where the names of the winners of the Award for Senior Management and Successful Stories Database will be revealed.


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