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Ministry of Health and Social Protection
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Mission of the Health and Social Protection Sector
Mission of the Ministry of Health and Social Protection
Recommendations for travelers
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Ministry of Health and Social Protection
Ministry of Health and Social Protection
Mission of the Health and Social Protection Sector
Mission of the Ministry of Health and Social Protection
In 2020, the population in Colombia has universal access to a quality, equitable health system and sustainable in the long term, with effective strategies for promotion and prevention.
The aim of the Ministry of Health and Social Protection, within the framework of its powers, is to formulate, adopt, manage, coordinate, implement and evaluate public policy in matters pertaining to health.
The Ministry of Health and Social Protection, in addition to the functions specified in the Constitution and Article 59 of Law 489 of 1998, shall perform the following:
Protective and hygienic measures in international travel
General recommendations
Acute respiratory illness
Food and Water
Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs)
Protection against yellow fever
The established risk areas for yellow fever in Colombia are the following
FAQ: yellow fever vaccine
The Ministry of Health and Social Protection will have the following objectives within the framework of its powers, formulate, adopt, manage, coordinate, implement and evaluate public policy on health
Other Recommendations
The Ministry of Health and Social Protection will have the following objectives within the framework of its powers, formulate, adopt, manage, coordinate, implement and evaluate public policy on health
Alejandro Gaviria Uribe
Minister of Health and Social Protection
Throughout his career, Gaviria has served, among others, as deputy director of National Planning, Deputy Director and Research Associate of Fedesarrollo (center for economic and social research), and researcher in Washington for the Inter-American Development Bank.
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The Expanded Program on Immunization, EPI (PAI in Spanish), is a joint action of the world's nations and international organizations interested in supporting actions to achieve universal coverage of vaccination to reduce mortality and morbidity rates from immune preventable diseases and with a strong commitment to eradicate, eliminate and control them.
History of the Expanded Program on Immunization EPI in Colombia 1979 – 2009